Title: Hello World! Created: 2021-01-22T19:13:00 Updated: 2021-01-22T19:13:00 Tags: META Description: Welcome to my webiste! Welcome to my blog! This blog was written from scratch in D using [vibe.d](https://vibed.org/) and [commonmark-d](https://github.com/AuburnSounds/commonmark-d). I also created two libraries to help me with developing it: * [markdata](https://github.com/ryhn-link/markdata) - a markdown metadata parser and deserializer * [ffeedd](https://github.com/ryhn-link/ffeedd) - "Fun feed D", a RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feed generator Both of these libraries are licensed under LGPL-3.0. ## Trivia There isn't much more to talk about here, so have some fun facts: This website was originally supposed to be an URL shortener, embed generator and gist written in C#. I wasn't sure which framework should I use: ASP.NET Core, Blazor, or Blazor WASM. This resulted in me rewriting the website 3 times. The blog part was originally supposed to be a part of [ryhon.ga](https://ryhon.ga) using ASP.NET Core. Originally I didn't intend to add RSS support for the blog, however that changed when I wanted to create an Android app for [itch](https://itch.io/), which has a limited API and the only way of getting recommended games is by using the RSS feed or by downloading the HTML. While writing [ffeedd](https://github.com/ryhn-link/ffeedd) I had to create a function that converts date and time to a RFC 822 date-time string. When I looked up RFC 822 I found that RFC 822 is not just a format for date strings unlike RFC 3339, which I also used. RFC 822 is a message format, which has a header, similar to MultiMark's metadata RFC 882 ([source](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/developer/exchange-server-2010/aa493918(v=exchg.140))): ``` From: someone@example.com To: someone_else@example.com Subject: An RFC 822 formatted message This is the plain text body of the message. Note the blank line between the header information and the body of the message. ``` MultiMark ([source](https://github.com/fletcher/MultiMarkdown/wiki/MultiMarkdown-Syntax-Guide#metadata)): ``` Title: A New MultiMarkdown Document Author: Fletcher T. Penney John Doe Date: July 25, 2005 Here you would put the body, however the source doesn't include it :) ```